How to order Sweet Sixteen. Sweet Sixteen can be sent to you, either by email (without printed documentation and program disk) or by normal postal service (with printed documentation and program disk). Prices: All versions of Sweet Sixteen $29.95. Printed manual/program disk - add $10.00 Postage/Europe - add $5.00 Postage/Outside Europe - add $7.00 Cash payment - no extra Cheque payment - add $10.00 (the cost for clearing the check) You don't need to send the payment in US dollars. All prices could also be in your local currency or swedish kronor (SEK). Mail the cheque or cash by registered post to: Roni Music Nybogatan 21 S-212 32 Malmoe SWEDEN or by email to: Any questions? phone: int + 46 - 40494411 e-mail: Roni Music Homepage: